天翔 -Across the Ridge to Heaven-
Aug. 1th 2018
¥ 3.080 (tax in)
Part 1 (26:32)
ⅰ. mountains 神々の山
ⅱ. ritual 儀式
ⅲ. sky burial 鳥葬
ⅳ. peak 峻嶺
ⅴ. fly with the wind 飛翔
Part 2 (26:06)
ⅵ. empty sky 虚空
ⅶ. dawn wind 暁風
ⅷ. watershed 分水嶺
ⅸ. ridge to heaven 天界への道
ⅹ. holy land 聖地
Jacket design by Jiro Oshima
極光 -At the Edge of the World-
Nov. 18th 2016
¥ 3.080 (tax in)
Part 1 (26:27)
ⅰatmosphere 大気
ⅱclouds 漂雲
ⅲwilderness 曠野
ⅳabyss 深淵
ⅴordeal 試練
Part 2 (24:11)
ⅵmemories 懐郷
ⅶbrilliance 暁光
ⅷafterglow 残光
ⅸedge of the world 世界の果て
ⅹIntention 意志
Jacket design by Jiro Oshima
欠落 -Missing Piece of My Life-
Oct. 28th 2015
¥ 3.080 (tax in)
Part 1 (23:52)
ⅰ. beginnings 起源
ⅱ. departure 門出
ⅲ. sign 道標
ⅳ. journey 旅路
ⅴ. lost 喪失
Part2 (26:32)
ⅵ. alone 孤独
ⅶ. rebirth 再生
ⅷ. wondering 彷徨
ⅸ. missing piece 失われた断片
ⅹ. resolution 決意
Jacket design by Jiro Oshima
樹霊 -In Search of the Soul Trees-
Deluxe Edition
Sep 4th 2024
¥ 2.750 (tax in)
Part 1 (23:14)
ⅰ. spirits 精霊の踊り
ⅱ. revelation 啓示
ⅲ. reincarnation 輪廻転生
ⅳ. fountain 源流
ⅴ. woods 迷いの森
Part2 (27:15)
ⅵ. pilgrimage 巡礼
ⅶ. paradise 雲上の楽園
ⅷ. storm 嵐
ⅸ. soul trees 木霊
ⅹ. dawn 夜明け
Bonus track (8:54)
Dança das Borboletas 2014
Jacket design by Jiro Oshima
Cryptogam Illusion
¥ 1.404 (Sold Out)
1 Distance 5:41
2 Cryptogam Illusion 4:20
3 Adolescencia 4:22
4 Mistral Island 3:41
5 Phoenix 5:33
6 Glacier 6:01
7 Cyber Transmission 5:03
8 Dança Das Borboletas 6:49
9 O Tempo Passa 3:28
original picture by Hiraku Ohyama
Brilliant Streams
¥ 1.404 (Sold Out)
1 Highland 6:28
2 Nostalgia 5:50
3 Rogus 6:36
4 Brilliant Streams 22:38
original picture by Hiraku Ohyama
Circle in the Forest
¥ 1.404 (Sold Out)
1 Ryu-Hyo 4:59
2 Clairvoyance 5:20
3 Angel Tree 4:53
4 Tightrope 6:55
5 Circle in the Forest 22:21
original picture by Hiraku Ohyama